Sharing some of my knowledge of adware, spyware, malware, and virus removal tools. A guide to prevent and secure your computer using some of the best software available.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

AVG is slowing down my computer..

I finally did a reformat on my computer and decided to try a few new products.
Firstly i have ditched Kerio Personal Firewall and AVG antivirus for a free all in one solution from comodo.
Avg was so slow in loading and running updates / scan seemed to take up to much time.
I have been using comodo firewall on a laptop for a while but found the intial setup and creating rules for new processes painful. Once you get through the initial setup and training, the program works flawlessly silent protecting you computer from nasty spyware, adware, malware and viruses. By default it runs automatic updates by itself and doesn't seem to affect my computer performance at all.
Comodo has recently released an award winning anti-virus program with the firewall. You can download it from and the best part, it's free.

The four programs i am actively using for full computer protection are:

  1. Firewall: Comodo

  2. Virus Scanner : Comodo

  3. Spyware: Spybot

  4. and browser is minefield (mozilla's - trunk build)


Anonymous Antivirus Protection said...

It may occur due to the combination of antivirus and internet security.I have also faced the same problem,just uninstall one thing either antivirus or internet security.

10:03 PM


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